I've provided alternate pointers for building and specialist (sub-tier in blue color) The building, specialist, other sources, population, and modifier % is not always 100% accurate. modifier %: food, production, gold, science population: food, production, gold, science other sources: food, production, gold, science specialist: food, production, gold, science building: food, production, gold, science terrain: food, production, gold, science culture: current (border expansion), # of tiles expanded, # from buildings, # from policy, # from specialist, # from terrain, # from modifier % * City Resources is BROKEN ATM Embarassed Sad enable/disable unlimited attack/improvement in the same turn (just select the unit and redo the desired action) minimum XP points ( 0 to disable cheat ) movement points + unlimited ( 0 to disable cheat and use default ) * Unit Cheat for player only - enable/disable iron, horses, coal, oil, aluminum, uranium amount to add (activated by mouse over/click and auto disable) So if you happen to find a bug or if it causes your game to crash, please let me know. I haven't played the game to its completion but enough to make sure that it's crash free Very Happy. Here's my 1st table using assembly and CE's AA as an exercise.